Musical Instruments in Utah

Detailed information and reviews of Utah shops, stores, retailers and manufacturers offering new and used music instruments for sale - pianos, guitars, clarinets. Post your requirements and receive no obligation price estimates and quotes.

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Get free quotes and price estimates from the local businesses
Utah Musical Instruments
Riverton Music - Piano in Sandy(801) 255-8300
The year was 1968. Hal Rindlisbacher, a popular local band manager, established Riverton Music when he converted an old chicken coop into a band instrument repair shop. At 1st, Hal kept busy
UtahSalt Lake CountySandy84070   9491 S 255 W
Entertainment & ArtsMusical Instruments
Barrus Pianos(801) 486-3652
Barrus Pianos specializes in moving, storage, tuning, and repair of your piano. Additionally, we're trained experts in the installation of Piano Disc and QRS systems. These advanced products will
UtahSalt Lake CountySalt Lake City84105   2007 S McClelland St
Entertainment & ArtsMusical Instruments
Piano Gallery(801) 266-9550
The Piano Gallery with our qualified team and outstanding client service representatives, provides a huge range of best quality, used and new pianos and organs by the major manufacturers in the music
UtahSalt Lake CountySalt Lake City84123   5478 Grn Strt
Entertainment & ArtsMusical Instruments
Bosendorfer Pianos Of Utah(801) 220-0300
Welcome to the country's biggest Besendorfer piano range in one location. We at Besendorfer Pianos of Las Vegas trust that your online experience will enable you to earn an appreciation for the world'
UtahSalt Lake CountySalt Lake City84111  
Entertainment & ArtsMusical Instruments
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