Musical Instruments in New York

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New York, NY Musical Instruments
Steinway Hall - Piano in New York(212) 246-1100
In an exceptional method used by Steinway for over a century, the inner and outer piano rims are bent into the shape of the rim as a single continuous piece. Before Theodore Steinway developed and patented this method in 1878, rims were made of separate pieces held together with joints. 18 hard-rock maple layers, each twenty-two feet long, are used to construct the rim of a concert grand piano. The layers are 1st coated with glue and stacked. The stacked layers are then glued into a single form
New YorkNew York CountyNew York10019   109 West 57th Street
Entertainment & ArtsMusical Instruments
Quotes & Business Leads
Xylophones and Metallophones quote - October 26, 2014 Dear Sir/Madam, We are soliciting prices on the following: 1. Sonor Tenor-Alto Metallophones, Chromatic Add-On Only, TAKM 2 ...
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