Musical Instruments in New Jersey

Detailed information and reviews of New Jersey shops, stores, retailers and manufacturers offering new and used music instruments for sale - pianos, guitars, clarinets. Post your requirements and receive no obligation price estimates and quotes.

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Get free quotes and price estimates from the local businesses
New Jersey Musical Instruments
Metropolis Music - Used Musical Instruments in Jersey City(201) 222-8441
Metropolis Music opened its doors in 2002 and speedily founded itself as the place to go for instruments, accessories and lessons, as well as all kinds of instrument repair. Metropolis employs a
New JerseyHudson CountyJersey City07302   240 Newark Avenue
Entertainment & ArtsMusical Instruments
Quotes & Business Leads
1/2 violin - Looking for student quality 1/2 size violin. Need to have quote by 7-2-11. Please do not contact after that date.
Quote for Musical Instruments
Hamburg, NJ
Violin repair - I need a violin re-strung with a new bridge, and tuned - and a bow restrung.
Quote for Musical Instruments
Englishtown, NJ
Used Piano Keyboard Studio - I am music director for Candem Shipyard and Maritime Museum. We are developing a piano keyboard studio for outreach to prospective piano players. We are...
Quote for Musical Instruments
Audubon, NJ
Vintage Musical Instruments - Fender Bandmaster Amplifier Head #A-12370. 2- 2x12inch Fender Speaker Cabinets. Leslie Model CL-10 Tone Cabinet (studio model). Leslie Model 700...
Quote for Musical Instruments
Vincentown, NJ
Accordion - We inherited a Lou Rose accordion. Have had it for a while. Neither one of us know how to play it and we are thinking about selling it. However, what would...
Quote for Musical Instruments
Toms River, NJ
Guitar and guitar amp rental - I am looking to rent guitar gear for a nightclub/ party motown band.
Quote for Musical Instruments
Woodstown, NJ
DHOL - I want to get a dhol on rent from 31 to 02 jan 2014.
Quote for Musical Instruments
Bordentown, NJ
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