Musical Instruments in Massachusetts

Detailed information and reviews of Massachusetts shops, stores, retailers and manufacturers offering new and used music instruments for sale - pianos, guitars, clarinets. Post your requirements and receive no obligation price estimates and quotes.

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Massachusetts Musical Instruments
Goitnet.Com - Piano in Worcester(508) 615-1187
Piano strings are under a good deal of tension that are supported by the frame, plate, pinblock, tuning pins, bridges and soundboard. Anything that affects the position of any of these parts will
Entertainment & ArtsMusical Instruments
Music Studio Direct(617) 782-1452
More significant than the low prices you'll find at MUSIC STUDIO DIRECT, is our focus on helping you choose the best music hardware and software! We're musicians who enjoy creating music ourselves,
MassachusettsSuffolk CountyBoston02215   971 Commonwealth Avenue
Entertainment & ArtsMusical Instruments
Brownfield Piano - Piano in Cambridge(781) 648-0096
We tune, service and rebuild pianos on a complete time basis. We use advanced tuning technology and have a New England-huge reputation in piano remanufacture. We combine the installation of new
MassachusettsMiddlesex CountyCambridge02140   1756 Massachusetts Avenue
Entertainment & ArtsMusical Instruments
MTLC Music Software & HDWR - Guitar in Boston(617) 782-1452
More significant than the low prices you'll find at MUSIC STUDIO DIRECT, is our focus on helping you choose the best music hardware and software! We're musicians who enjoy creating music ourselves,
MassachusettsSuffolk CountyBoston02215   971 Commonwealth Ave # 32
Entertainment & ArtsMusical Instruments
Cherry Tree Piano Restoration - Piano in Boston(617) 913-6640
As an Independent Registered Piano Technician servicing customers and institutions on the Cape and Islands, Boaz strives to supply high-value service. His practice includes including tuning, voicing, appraisals,
MassachusettsSuffolk CountyBoston02136   65 Sprague St
Entertainment & ArtsMusical Instruments
Whitsett Guitar Works - Guitar in Lowell(978) 454-1601
My name is Bill Whitsett, and I've owned & operated the Whitsett Guitar Works in the Boston area since 1999. My goal is to supply clients in New England with complete and quality guitar repair
MassachusettsMiddlesex CountyLowell01852   181 Market Street
Entertainment & ArtsMusical Instruments
Brenton Evans Pianos - Piano in Springfield(413) 998-3141
We restore, repair and rebuild pianos of all sizes. We ensure that we repair only pianos that warrant repair or restoration. All pianos are not created equally, even those coming from the same manufacturer,
MassachusettsHampden CountySpringfield01151   34 Front Strt
Entertainment & ArtsMusical Instruments
Quotes & Business Leads
Oboe Rental-short term or purchase - Oboe, in tune with itself. Ebonite fine in SE Boston area.
Quote for Musical Instruments
Quincy, MA
ltd viper 104 bass guitar - I would like to know how much you would buy a ltd viper 104 bass guitar. It is in decent-good shape.
Quote for Musical Instruments
Brockton, MA
SELMER CLARINET b.t. paris model #l4570 wood body with nickel silver keys - I am looking to sell my clarinet. It is a b.t. paris model #l4570 wood body with nickel silver keys. It is also in excellent condition.
Quote for Musical Instruments
Worthington, MA
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