Home & Garden Contractors in Baltimore

Detailed information and reviews of Baltimore home and garden contractors offering home improvement services - interior designers, plumbers, architects, furniture stores. Post your requirements and receive no obligation price estimates and quotes.

Home & Garden Services in Baltimore

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Baltimore, MD Home & Garden Contractors
Top Of The Line Home Improvement(443) 955-1129
You would like to upgrade or totally redo your bathroom or kitchen but you do not have the time or experience necessary and choosing the correct remodeling contractor can be confusing and a little frightening....www.topofthelinehomeimprovement.com
Home & GardenHome Improvement
East Coast Organics(410) 889-8784
Our goal is to promote organic gardening by providing garden centers, nurseries, and professional growers the best quality, field-tested organic garden provides. By blending the modern theories of sustainable...www.eastcoastorganics.com
MarylandBaltimore City CountyBaltimore21211   2400 Sisson Street
Home & GardenGardening & Landscaping
Petards - Cctv Systems in Baltimore(410) 327-3001
By providing tailor-made security solutions that reply directly to specific working environments, Petards have founded and maintain, long-term relationships with our clients. EyeTrain is leading the market...www.petards.com
Home & GardenSecurity Systems
Clean Air Heating & Air Cond - Air Conditioning Company in Baltimore(410) 633-8350
Locally owned & operated, Clean Air Heating and Air Conditioning Company. Has been servicing the requirements of homeowners, businesses, general contractors and property managers in Baltimore and surrounding...www.cleanairhvac.com
MarylandBaltimore City CountyBaltimore   1911 Portal Street
Home & GardenAir Conditioning
Stuart Michael Interiors(410) 929-1764
Stuart Michael is an expert interior designer with twenty years of interior design experience. Stuart's work has been featured in the Baltimore Sun and he has designed rooms in Baltimore Decorator Showhouses....www.stuartmichaelinteriors.com
Home & GardenInterior Designers
Arel Architects - Architectural Firm in Baltimore(410) 254-1204
Arel Architects maintained an associate architect role in this very huge project by delivering construction document and limited design and construction administration services. With its 10, 000 seat gymnasium,...www.arelarchitects.com
MarylandBaltimore City CountyBaltimore21214   3013 Montebello Terrace
Home & GardenArchitects
Carpet Cleaning Baltimore - Professional Service - Cleaning Company in Baltimore(410) 864-8452
Rely on Carpet Cleaning Baltimore to service all of your carpet cleaning requirements. Of course, you can always go down to the local grocery store or do-it-yourself store to rent a carpet cleaner. But...www.baltimorecarpetcleaningmd.com
MarylandBaltimore City CountyBaltimore   403 Lovegrove Street
Home & GardenCleaning Services
Solomon's Termite & Pest - Pest Control in Baltimore(410) 358-7175
Professional pest control services reply to man's concern for his health and property. Concerns about the quality of life have created an ever expanding need for professional pest control service. Effective...www.solomonspestcontrol.com
MarylandBaltimore City CountyBaltimore21215   5408 Reisterstown Road
Home & GardenPest Control Services
The Furniture Restoration - Furniture Company in Baltimore(443) 508-4258
Welcome to the Furniture Restoration Company (FRC) FRC is your wood expert (in Maryland and surrounding areas) specializing in the restoration of all manner of fine furniture and cabinetry. It is our dedication...www.furniturerestorationcompany.com
MarylandBaltimore City CountyBaltimore21212   4223 Hanover Pikes Warehouse 2A
Home & GardenFurniture Stores
Baltimore Plumbers - Plumbing Company in Baltimore(410) 702-4519
Baltimore plumbing check-ups by this firm is pleased to be the plumbing service supplier to the city where our National Anthem was written. It was here where the words land of the free were 1st put down...www.baltimore-plumbers.com
MarylandBaltimore City CountyBaltimore21201   205 West Clay Street
Home & GardenPlumbers
Quotes & Business Leads
Church air conditioning - How much does it generally cost to air condition a church?
Quote for Air Conditioning
Baltimore, MD
Sanctuary - Our sanctuary at Mt. Lebanon Baptist Church in Baltimore is very dark and we are looking for a way to wake it up.
Quote for Lighting Companies
Baltimore, MD
Roofing - I need my roof looked at due to leaking especially in kitchen near back door has water damage.
Quote for Roofing Contractors
Baltimore, MD
Bedbugs - My husband and I today discovered bed bugs on our mattress. We live in a Baltimore City row home. We'd like a thorough assessment and quote for extermination.
Quote for Pest Control Services
Baltimore, MD
Car Keys Needed - My son lost the only set of keys to his 2000 Mercury Sable. Can you replace them? How much will it cost to replace them?
Quote for Locksmiths
Baltimore, MD
A/C not cooling - Blowing but not cool. I think it needs freon. Would like price quote if that is the problem and if there is a service charge to come out and if so how...
Quote for Air Conditioning
Baltimore, MD
Change of Locks needed - I just purchased a home and would like to get the locks changed. There are two doors both with a top and bottum lock. Another problem is that the dead...
Quote for Locksmiths
Baltimore, MD
Greater Church of The Risen Savior - We need five security cameras for the exterior of the church.
Quote for Security Systems
Baltimore, MD
Quote For These Repairs Thought Homeowner Insurance - Gutter, facet, roof, light fixtor, awning, storn, window , ceiling and walls, floor in attic.
Quote for Home Improvement
Baltimore, MD
Hooters of harborplace needs landscape help - Potted plants cleaned, filled, mulched, flowers planted dead plants replaced as needed plus watering and up keep during the summer.
Quote for Gardening & Landscaping
Baltimore, MD
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