Music MakersMusic Lessons in Pompano Beach, FL

Business Details

Our Music & Arts Program

Piano, Guitar, Violin, Flute & Drums

Our lessons will have develop music - reading abilities from day one. Our students will work technique, musicality and learn how to read and perform a variety of repertoire. Our students have unlimited access to a theory web-based playground that, could be accessed any time, day or night from our studio or your home. By studying at the computer lab, students will learn note spelling, rhythmic exercises, learn theory and ear training necessary to advance them in their instrumental apprenticeship.

Rock Band

Class teaches chords, scales, improvisation, song writing. Students will learn about all Rock Bands instruments, and they will choose one instrument to developed playing techniques.

Group Lessons

Ages 4 - 5 and 6 - 7 (Piano, Guitar, Violin, Drums, Flute)
Singing, creative movement to music, rhythm and motor control activities, ear training. Babies & Toddlers - Children and parents meet weekly to participate at age appropriate music instruction featuring nursery rhymes, children songs, vocal and rhythmic exercises, learning basic elements and piano discovery.

Children Holistic Arts

This class fosters children’s creativity by coloring patterns, guided art projects, sensor motor activities and body stretching. Class focus on child’s concentration and self control. It also combines yoga poses as movement activity.



We happy to introduce Ballet Contemporary and Jazz Classes with Mrs. Lopes. Classes on Wednesdays and Fridays.

1751 West Copans Road # 3
Pompano Beach, FL
map & driving directions
Phone Number
(954) 480-6789
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