Garden Design School Landscape Design ProgramHome & Garden in Wellesley, MA

Training Course Details

Our program is career skill and design focused. Our tutors, all renowned experts, are committed to each student’s success. Restricted class size of 18 students per program optimizes 1-2-1 teaching, support and feedback between students and tutors.


  • The unique workshop-style format of the program makes possible integration of this education with current life situations, by spacing 8, 4 - day blocks of classes over 9 months.
  • Mid-August – early May, 8 separate teaching blocks of 4 days each, average three to six weeks apart. In between blocks, plan on committing 25-30 hours a week to assignments.
  • Each 4 day block runs Thursday through Sunday. (Exception: 6 days in the first block.)
  • Each day runs 9:30 am - 4:30 pm, with breaks. Content includes lectures, studio work, one-to-one tutor/student interface, field trips
  • with on-site practicum, and project reviews.
  • Tutors assign a series of challenging design projects to be completed in between blocks. These are mailed, marked, and reviewed at the start of the next block. Projects and independent study assignments are constructed to resemble actual projects of a landscape & garden design career.
  • By end of term, students will have amassed a design portfolio of four fully developed landscape projects; their own manuals of extensive reference material from class handouts; and 2 student-compiled portfolios on hard and soft landscape material for their own geographic regions. All this acts as an accelerated launch pad for their own landscape design careers.
Highlights & Features
  • Essentials of design principles, use of tools, basics of plotting out plan views, site survey, elevation views et al
  • Comprehensive drafting, drawing, and rendering techniques. You don’t need to know how to draw: we will teach you to draw confidently and effectively.
  • “Hard” landscape elements: thorough inclusion of materials, styles, proper construction techniques, from stone to water features, lighting, drainage and beyond
  • Use of plants as design elements, basics of botany and horticulture, soil science, successful planting practices, hardiness and heat tolerance references, et al
  • Professional business practices, including office organization, working with clients and contractors, and more.
LocationWellesley, MA
CategoryHome & Garden
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